Sunday, January 02, 2011

Asides - Covers From The Silent 20's

Some of the best artists and illustrators of the twentieth century produced cover illustrations for the leading film publications. The images in this post cover each year from 1920 to 1929, and are excellent examples of their work. I have also included a few inside pages and one ad to help pay for this blog - so be sure to contact the advertiser and say you saw it here.

Double click on the images for a larger view.

Picture Play-October, 1920
Artist: Unknown
Picture Play did not always credit the artist.
Cover: Constance Binney

Photoplay-November 1920
Artist: Rolf Armstrong
Cover: Anna Q. Nilsson

Photoplay-December 1920
Artist: Rolf Armstrong
Cover: Anita Stewart

Photoplay-October 1921
Artist: Rolf Armstrong
Cover: Agnes Ayres

Photoplay-October 1921
Marie Prevost, in the latest swimwear.

Photoplay-January 1922
Artist: Rolf Armstrong
Cover: Corinne Griffith

Picture Play-October 1921
Artist: Henry Clive
Cover: Lila Lee

Photoplay-July 1923
Artist: J. Knowles Hare
Cover: Pauline Garon

Photoplay-August 1923
Artist: J. Knowles Hare
Cover: Marion Davies

Picture Play-November 1924
Cover: Mae Murray

Picture Play-November 1924
Jetta Goudal - publicity still for Open All Night, which is available on DVD.

Picture Play-November 1924
Artist: White Studios, NY
This may be the same studio known for its photography of Broadway productions.
Cover: Betty Bronson

Picture Play-September 1925
Artist: Hal Phyfe
Hal is best remembered as a Hollywood portrait photographer, but began his career as an artist and illustrator.
Cover: Renee Adoree

Picture Play-September 1925
The great profile, along with Mary Astor in a film that was never made or released.

Photoplay-December 1925
Artist: Livingston Geer
I cannot locate any bio on Mr. Geer.
Cover: Georgia Hale

Photoplay-December 1925
La Boheme was released in 1926 and also starred Renee Adoree.

Photoplay-December 1925
Bille Dove in her 23rd film, available on DVD.

Photoplay-December 1925
Esther Ralston, The American Venus.

Photoplay-August 1926
Artist: C(K)arl Van Buskirk
Best info I can find dates him from 1887-1930
Cover: Doris Kenyon

Photoplay-June 1927
Artist: Charles Sheldon
Cover: Mary Brian

Photoplay-September 1928
Artist: Charles Sheldon
Cover: Gloria Swanson

Screenland-December 1928
Artist: Georgia Warren
I cannot locate any bio on Ms. Warren.
Cover: Nancy Carroll

Picture Play-September 1929
Artist: Modest Stein
Cover: Baclanova -Olga to her friends.

Picture Play-September 1929
Beautiful portrait of Joan Bennett

Please don't forget to support our sponsor, so send for your Kissproof Beauty Box now.
You can also get the Kissproof girl painting by Rolf Armstrong.
Don't hesitate.


Kimd said...

Thank you so much for posting.I absolutely love Hollywood on the 1920's and '30's and it's not easy finding these beautiful magazine covers unless you want to pay alot of money.Cheers.

A said...

Stunning! I adore that picture of Joan Bennett. My favorite cover has to be the Nancy Carroll cover. And that photo of Mary Astor and John Barrymore is just fantastic.

Snow White Archive said...

These are indeed stunning images! There's certainly something special about the style and feel of this era, and these covers convey that beautifully. Nice post (as usual)!

Vanwall said...

I love that uncredited Mae Murray!

Operator_99 said...

Vanwall, me too. I want to say Charles Sheldon, but might be a little early.

Stacia said...

Ah, so nice. That doesn't look like Gloria Swanson, but the background behind her is absolutely lovely.

And this is the first time I've been able to read what's on that Marie Prevost cover!

Sandi Hassa said...

invite me
ps. pretty

Anonymous said...

merveilleux site!

Jamil P. said...


Lauren Hairston said...

These are some amazing magazine covers! Thanks for posting. Now I have some new (to me!) films to look for.

Unknown said...

Are you still looking for a Bio for Livingston Geer? He was my grandfather.

Operator_99 said...

Donald, yes, would love to know about his work. If you send an email with details, I will add it to this post.